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It dreams of blooming for an identity of its own,
It dreams of flourishing and being fully grown.

It's destined to be a flower one day,
It prospers along with the sunshine ray.

The bud only knows it's life's aim,
To spread elegance and never to claim.

Not all buds have lives alike,
Not all buds grow to be a flower of everyone's like.

Some grow to success with very great ease,
But some have to struggle very hard to achieve.

Never compare yourself with someone other,
You are the bud who has a unique future. 

Thus everyone has a different fate,
Everyone struggles through a different state.

Never think others are better than you,
Perhaps you deserve better than others do.

Not everyone’s fate is same,
Some have slow success, whereas for some struggle remains.

What you have special is a boon,
Success comes after struggle soon.

             ------- RAJALAXMI BEHERA

Hey viewers, how are you all!!!
I hope everyone is doing well.
So here's today's poem, hope you all like it.
So, if you like it, please don't forget to drop a comment and share it.
Don't forget to check out the next poem, there's something special everyday.......
Feel free to contact me via e-mail :
Any suggestions or personal opinions are most welcome.
Till then bye.......


  1. Woo amazing i love it 😍

  2. Good job👍🏼

  3. Lovely and soothing ❤️.... Just like a blooming flower 🌹💕.

  4. You never let my expectations from you get down
    And this time they were raised to a higher level 🔥

  5. This world is full of miseries(dukhalayam asasvatam) it's not me ,Great philosopher of india have ever produced HDG AC Bhaktivedanta srilaprabhuda founded of iskcon world is saying.And we want happiness here 🤣😅. in our life happiness will come but not for longer period of time😢😭 and those happiness will be our cause of suffering too.. Hare Krishna🙏

  6. Wonderful poem soooo. . Great 🤩💞💞💞


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