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Life is a battle to win or lose,
Life is a field for you to choose.

Life is a struggle for you to fight,
Life is a quiz to get you right.

Life is stream of a million desires,
Life is a volcano of problematic fires.

Life a crossroad to find the way,
Life is a miracle mesmerising every day.

Life gives us opportunity to learn,
Life is mixed with sorrows and fun.

Life is a challenge for us to accept,
Life is not a matter of regret.

Life is a treasure for us to unlock,
Life has infinite problems which block.

Life is a race where everyone runs,
Life is where a person learns, earns and yearns.

Life is a truth for everyone to accept
Life is an opinion with different aspects.

Life is short, let’s enjoy,
Life is a way through sorrows and joy.


Hey viewers, how are you all!!!
I hope everyone is doing well.
So here's today's poem, hope you all like it.
So, if you like it, please don't forget to drop a comment and share it.
Don't forget to check out tomorrow's poem, there's something special everyday.......
Feel free to contact me via e-mail :
Any suggestions or personal opinions are most welcome.
Till then bye.......


  1. Perfect description about life and it's ups and downs!✨
    Keep writing like this..........

  2. True written about the life

  3. Beautifully described
    Keep writing ✍👌👌

  4. Everytime I get so much to relate and understand in your poems
    Love for your poetry!

  5. Fantastic 💕💖💞, true written about life.

  6. Perfect description of life. Wonderful 🥰


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