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The last day of the year

Feels like a moment but a full year is about to vanish with a few hours left, so thought of sharing something today......

Read this poem and here's a summary of what I want to share........

" Here comes the end of another year,
Where we've seen sweats,labour and tear,

But what makes it special is what just we,
Perceived about it or thought it to be,

Feels like a moment but a year is done,
A few hours later and it's completely gone,

When I'm writing this piece of poem now,
There are already moments vanished though,

Can't thank this year enough,
For showing every aspect of life soft and rough,

Thanks to everyone being kind and helpful,
With lots of gratitude my heart is full,

Memorable moments of the year describe,
Every moment is an occasion to vibe,

Things may be tough and harsh,
Just remember these situations are just sparse,

Enjoy every moment live your life,
Remember there's no happiness without grief,

A goodbye to the very special year,
Wish you all a beautiful year ahead dear.............. "


So this year is nearly over with a few hours left and we all have had different situations throughout this year, I thought of penning down some of the memories that will always have a space in my heart. Not going to write much but just glimpses of some......

The best part of the year for me was the milestone of being an author. Feels like a fantasy till now. Sometimes reading my own poems give me so much satisfaction that I feel motivated for writing more. But the journey wasn't as smooth as it may look like. You won't believe but I was going through overthinking and anxiety and at a point in time I really thought of giving up and I did. I gave up writing for my blog and left everything on the way, but next thing I did which I think a good move was restarting my blog. Just wondering what my life would've been if I wouldn't have resumed writing......

Negative things apart this year the other good thing that happened is my blog got views from 100+ countries. This really is a milestone and thank you for all your love and support.

Nextly one of my poem was accepted and placed at a horror blog "Horror Addicts". That feels like a achievement. No wonder every thing will go well with a certain pace. Thus looking forward to write more and more for all of you, dear readers.....

Feels great to have online readers who not only just read but also motivate me for more. Keep loving and supporting my content. Come back tomorrow to read the new year blog and to know the new schedule of poems coming now onwards......

Till then a hearty gratitude to all the readers. Wish you all a beautiful year ahead. Don't forget "Patience and perseverance will keep you going,
So never give up on what you're doing."

Happy New year's Eve....


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