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Hovering as the sun sets,
Lowering as the day ends,
Counting all the messages,
That my lonely heart sends.

Wondering something vaguely,
Unknown to what's next,
Just being a broken soul,
Don't want to bother anyone lest.

Procrastinating every moment,
Keeping every work due,
Wondering if there's anything,
My mind lacking every clue.

Something I needed strongly,
Was it care or love?
It was just some motivation,
To lift my conscience above.

Probably I'll be able,
To calm my heart and mind,
Those vague wonderings disturb me,
I need to move on with time.



  1. Every line is damn relatable. Keep it up!

  2. The rhythm of your line's 🤞 and spaces is great,😇 they make me feel cheerful 💜and delighted ☺️

  3. Nice and amazing as always keep it up

  4. Very amazing. Superb ❤️❤️❤️

  5. 😁to be honest now this is my favorite poem you ever wrote


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